Friday, May 31, 2019


Tim’s Tidings

Unlike many churches, Eastminster does not slow down for the summer, though we try to take July as a time for increased rest, reflection and spiritual growth.  It is my hope that we establish rhythms which increase our health as individuals and as the body of Christ.  Here are a few summer highlights:
“Life is Wild… God is Good” is the theme of Eastminster’s Vacation Bible School which will be held June 3-7.  This Saturday and Sunday June 1-2 we will dedicate volunteers in the service of their choice and pray over them for God’s Spirit and love to be in all they do as we interact with a full roster of 120 children.

On June 8-9 we celebrate Pentecost, the “Birthday of the Church” as God’s Spirit came upon disciples and God’s Word and power and love now fills billions around the globe.  Wear red to church this weekend as we worship with joy!  Also come enjoy the Bible School kids as they share some of what they learned.  There will be opportunities to join Eastminster following the worship services this weekend.  What a great time to commit to God in worship and service through Eastminster!

On June 13 at 6 p.m. Jill and Craig McCall open their house for a dessert intended to connect members of the church with one another.  This is a great opportunity for those who want to get to know one another better to mingle.  RSVP by emailing or by signing up after church.

Another great night of connecting is the Summer Fun Potluck and Trivia Night Wednesday June 19 at 5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring a favorite main dish.  Salads and delicious desserts will be provided.  At this potluck there will be an opportunity to sign up for “Koinonia Groups” which will meet over the summer and fall in Eastminster member’s homes to grow spiritually in community together.  This is a great chance to use the summer as “opportunity time” to come closer to God and one another!

Your prayers are desired on June 15 as leaders gather for a “Requirements Charlette” which will anticipate Eastminster’s ministry and the physical and fiscal qualifications for it in the years to come.  This gathering will be based upon member input in strategic planning exercises held over the past couple of years.  Pray for discernment and guidance as a solid foundation is developed for ministry and mission in the future.

Prayers are also desired for Pastor Kristy as she continues the process of recovery.  Kristy is making good progress and Kristy, Anthony, James and baby Micah need our continued prayers and support.  She will be returning from maternity leave and ministering on a limited basis beginning June 15.

Finally, thanks for your generosity which is allowing Eastminster to minister in ways that are transforming lives.  The talent of this congregation and the devotion to areas of hands-on ministry is astounding, energizing and encouraging.  I get great letters, emails, calls and visits on a daily basis thanking God for what you are doing in the name of Christ.  Your giving of “time, talent, and treasure” is enabling mission to happen here and around the world.

As we come into the summer season, thanks for staying current or even ahead on your giving so that Eastminster honors the many mission and ministry opportunities we support.  If you want to give electronically, you may reach Michelle Tom’s at  Without your generosity the life changing worship, fellowship, mission and ministry endeavors at Eastminster would not be possible!

See You in Church,

Pastor Tim

Thursday, May 23, 2019


I missed being in worship last week, but had a great time with my son, Brian, in Portland.  It was a refreshing time away, and I heard worship here was wonderful as children sang and graduates were recognized and prayed over by loving leaders such as Pastors Kristy and Ron, Cordelia Scheuermann and Julie Rogers-Martin.  We are blessed with children, youth and adults who love God and others together so well!

Traditional Summer Season is upon us and I want you to be informed about a few things.

1.       Preschool graduation is Wednesday May 29 at 9:15 am.  If you haven’t been to a graduation of the Eastminster preschool, consider attending.  The Preschool is perhaps our greatest outreach to the community and we are indeed “making disciples” who grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and others.  Come thank the teachers and encourage the families at fellowship after.

2.       Vacation Bible School is June 3-7.  Pray for our teachers and the kids that attend.  The theme is “Life is Wild, God is Good.”  I will be preaching on this very relevant theme next week, and we will dedicate teachers and staff of Bible School with prayer.

3.       Summer Bible Reading.  Next week we will pass out a card with a Plan to “Read the Bible in 90 Days.”  For those who take the “90 Day Bible Challenge” you will have completed the bible before Eastminster begins a worship emphasis on “The Bible in 52 Stories.” This emphasis begins on “Bring a Friend to Church Sunday” September 15.  On that Day we will have a historic worship service, play our 1898 pipe organ, and have “Dinner on the Grounds.”

4.       Summer Education and Camp Opportunities- Todd Uebele will lead a class Sunday morning at 9 a.m. in the Meeting Room of the Christian Ministry Center on his book “Coffee with Jesus.”  The Youth will be going to Montreat Camp and conference Center July 7-13.  Children will be in preschool camp from June 10 through the summer.  There will be various small group Bible study and spiritual formation opportunities listed in your bulletin and newsletter as well.

5.       Summer Fellowship Opportunities- Think of your favorite fun dish for the Summer Fun Potluck June 19.  Get ready for the Melbourne Municipal Band and a joint choir premiere presentation on the 4th of July, a Saturday Evening worship and Potluck on July13, the sharing with those in need at the Day of Hope August 3, a Back to school “Blessing of the Backpacks “in worship august 8, followed by a Back to School Potluck August 14.  Many more events are planned but here are a few for the calendar now.

6.       Summer Worship- Both our 6 p.m. Saturday and our Sunday 10 a.m. services are broadcast live on the internet. For the Saturday EPiC service, go to xx give link, make it a hyperlink to share in the online version) For the Sunday version go to xx (give hyperlink.  Services are also archived at our website

7.       Summer Giving- Please stay current or even ahead on your giving this summer so that Eastminster can honor the many mission and ministry opportunities we support.  If you want to give electronically, you may reach Michelle Tom’s at  Praise God for your generosity which allows the many worship, fellowship, mission and ministry outreaches change lives as we love God and others. 


Here’s to a Summer of Spiritual Growth!
Pastor Tim

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Today is Mother’s Day.  As we worship, you are encouraged to remember those who nurtured you as you developed, giving thanks to God.  One of the most groundbreaking aspects of Jesus’ life and ministry is how he valued and treated women.  It was much more honoring than the society of his day and perhaps ours as well.  May women always be respected and honored, and may that respect and honor encourage and inspire all women as you give your best to the Lord and to others!

It is ironic that one of the most wonderful and one of the messiest places we grow is in our families.  It was once said that , “Families are places where people are bound by blood or kinship who would otherwise have nothing to do with each other.”  While this is said in jest, many people find themselves needing to process hurts and hang-ups in their lives.

On Saturday May 25 at 6 p.m., Juan Otero, will preach and give a program on the topic of forgiveness for youth and adults.  It is a time to realize the vast and amazing power of God to relieve us of our resentments and align us in a direction in which we too may be forgiving as well as experience forgiveness and freedom in Christ.  This will be a wonderful time of healing and wholeness for many.  Feel free to invite a friend and attend, even if you regularly worship on Sunday.

In terms of giving and receiving love, we can’t determine how others act, but we can ask God to fill us with forgiveness and love.  One very basic exercise is to take what is commonly known as the “love chapter” in the Bible, I Corinthians 13 and put your name in the places where the text says “love.”  You may try it here:

( your name) is patient;            is kind;            is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.            does not insist on his/her own way;              is not irritable or resentful;                    does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.              bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 


As we consider God’s judgement in Revelations today, don’t forsake the concepts of love and forgiveness as they are essential to God’s plan.  They are tied together. Remember “We love because God first loved us” (I John 4:19) and This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. (I John 3:16).

Happy Mother’s Day!

Pastor Tim

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Tim's Tidings

Do you have assumptions concerning how life turns out in the end? Will things all work out?  Are we heading towards catastrophe?  Is life meaningful or meaningless?


Will God, good, love triumph?


These are some of the questions the author of The Revelation to John attempts to answer.  The author’s style of writing is apocryphal—writing that is highly symbolic, that deals with conflicting forces in the cosmos, and expects a triumphant end.


Apocryphal writing is just plain weird in this day and age, but was not in Bible times.  People are perplexed to read Revelation, afraid of its implications, and some use the symbolism to manipulate the emotions of others in dark ways.


So why study Revelation today?


First, as Pastor Ron preached last Sunday, Revelation warns against Christian complacency.  To some churches John warns against losing Christ as the focus.  In a complex world, this is always a possibility that demands correction.  Correction comes in the form of repentance and returning to Christ as our first love with great faithfulness.  To other churches, John warns against losing passion—of being dead in Spirit, of being lukewarm in belief.  Perhaps it is easier to lose sight of God in good times than in tough times.  Diligence, faithfulness, endurance, a refusal to tolerate evil even in the face of persecution, service to others, ministry from weakness as well as power are counseled in all times.  Are you, are we complacent in our faith today?  Is Jesus truly lord of our lives?  Do we seek to love God above all else, giving God worship, praise, and glory?


A second reason to study Revelation is that it offers encouragement.  Revelation tells us that our trials are worth the cost.  That as we prevail, we experience God’s paradisiacal goodness, we receive the crown of life, we live forever in God’s presence, the questions unanswered now make beautiful sense in the end, we share communion and even authority with God.  These are great things, mysterious things, yet point to the possibility, and even claim the reality that all things do work out in the end, that life now and forever has meaning,  that even as we live by faith now, we will live by sight in direct fellowship with a mighty, good, loving and gracious God. 


The ultimate vision of Revelation should not be lost in the symbolism.  That vision for our lives as a community of faith is to be centered in Christ, to worship God, and remain faithful in good times and bad—knowing that both will come— and believing with certainty that it will all work out in the end.


I invite you into the world of Revelation.  I invite you to entertain the conviction that despite “this present darkness,” it all works out in the end.  I invite you to consider “working backwards” from the conviction that “it all works out in the end,” to appraising your life as a committed follower of Christ and our life together as a church gathered in Jesus’ name today.  The risen Christ offers richness, vindication, spiritual insight, discipline, victorious living and salvation saying, “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you and you with me.”  May we experience Victorious Living in fellowship with Jesus Christ, even as we celebrate Communion today!

Pastor Tim