Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 16, 2014

This weekend we celebrate God’s graciousness as we dedicate our Estimates of Giving for 2015. It is a joy to return to the Lord a portion of what we have received for the work of Christ’s Kingdom! I look forward to celebrating that joy in worship and in fellowship after both services this weekend. There is much this week to remind me of joy. This week I have been reflecting on the Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. This is the story where a younger son asks for his inheritance early, which is a scandal in his society. He receives it from his Father and rushes off into a life of materialism and lavish, indulgent living. Once the funds are dried up and the party is over, he is humbled. He returns to the Father and before he can even ask for forgiveness, the Father runs to him and kisses him with compassion in his heart. Instead of being disciplined he is welcomed and honored. A party is planned. The older son gets jealous and the Father replies, “Son you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found.” I am joyous in that I see, as one of God’s children, what God has is mine. Yet even when I leave that secure place and run off on my own will, God welcomes me back. All heaven rejoices when that which is lost is found. In Simply Jesus N.T. Wright says, “The kingdom has come and is coming in Jesus. Jesus … is the link between heaven and earth.” In Jesus the sick are healed, the wanderers are welcomed, the lost are found. Wednesday I had the privilege to officiate with Pastor Ralph at the Service of Witness to the Resurrection of Joan Thomas. By the time you read this, two other saints, Doug Riddagh and Nathalie Clancy will have been commended to the Lord as well. A wedding will have taken place. In all the joy and in the sorrow, a loving Father welcomes us home, celebrates our faithfulness, and forgives our sin. This church and our faithfulness are part of God’s plan to bring the kingdom to full fruition. As we dedicate our giving and our “Estimates of Giving” today, may we rejoice that God has joyfully chosen us to be part of the kingdom. As we rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep, let’s remember that is God who chooses to use us together as Eastminster Presbyterian Church now. God will provide for all our needs… and God has a place prepared in the kingdom for us eternally. What a cause for deep joy! We are not lost… we are found. We are children of a compassionate God. Blessings, Tim

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