Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30

This weekend is a time of thanksgiving for those who God raises up as elders in our church. A Presbyterian church is, by definition, a church that is ruled by “elders.” Elders are those who the congregation nominates and elects to be the spiritual leaders of our affairs from setting vision and direction, to encouraging the members, worshippers and staff in their spiritual growth, to maintaining the finances, programs, property and policies of the church. It is a huge responsibility which cannot be undertaken without energy, intelligence, imagination and love all tempered by spiritual discernment and teamwork. The body on which the elders serve is called the “session.” Elders serve three year rotating terms on the session. I say with all sincerity that the renewal Eastminster is experiencing is a direct result of the call to service and the competencies of these leaders. Dr. Harry Daniel, the Nominating Committee and the congregation were inspired in the selection of those who were originally called to serve in the class of elders that is rotating off this week. God has since raised up excellent men and women to continue to lead well, six of which we are ordaining and installing today. Elders who are rotating off session include Amy Blake, Kelly Dunn, Sunny Rudloff, and David Wilfong. Elder Amy Blake ably and with great dedication served as chair of the Nominating Committee. She led the Committee to discern nominees for the Nominating Committee, which in turn proposed nominees to the congregation not only for several classes of elders, but also for the Pastoral Nominating Committee. Her diligence and discernment equipped a “leader rich” church to serve with strength. Elder Kelly Dunn served as the only member of Eastminster on an Administrative Committee that led to reconstituting of our session and also as chair of the Personnel and Administration Committee. She led her team to oversee necessary redesign of our staff organization and recruitment of excellent personnel. Her Committee suggested to session solid policies to guide our church including Personnel, Membership, Child Protection and Technology policies and carefully vetted a sound Finance Policy. Elder Sunny Rudloff served as chair of our Mission Committee. In a season when many churches might turn inward, this Committee maintained our concern for the people and the world around us. They strengthened our ties with over a dozen local missions such as the Children’s Hunger Project, the Community of Hope, Daily Bread, the Salvation Army and the Seafarer’s Ministry. Sunny’s encouraging spirit and positive attitude led us to be nimble in response to needs, even as we expanded our impact. Elder David Wilfong chaired the Finance Committee and later turned his attention to our Facilities Committee. David led these teams to be productive, practical and prudent in their affairs. He maintains an attitude of confidence and a “can-do” spirit which inspires both leaders and members. Leaders have influence. David influences us to humbly, yet confidently, go forward as God guides us. In addition, we honor the ministries of Elders Judy Roach and Karen Delos Santos. Judy served as co-chair of our Worship Committee until her death earlier this year. She was an effervescent spark, source of knowledge, encourager, free thinker, wise woman, and inspiring leader who shared a countenance full of beauty. Tears are in my eyes as I write, remember the love she freely gave. I know heaven will be a blast because she is there! Karen continues to serve on the Children Youth and Family Ministry Team but had to resign from session due to family concerns as wife of a law enforcement officer who also works as a social worker and nurtures four young kids. Excellent leaders show wisdom in what they don’t do as well as what they undertake. Her decision was a prayerfully made good decision as Karen is giving her best and growing rather than being stretched thin. These elders helped initiate and develop a “new chapter” in the life of EPC in their tenures. They serve faithfully and fruitfully in our continuing revitalization. As I reflect, I see that it is their Christian character and the conviction with which they serve that shines brightly. Elders, thank you! You have taught that if we give God our heart, soul, mind and strength, great things will follow. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for leading the way! Blessings, Tim

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