Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 10

Happy New Year! 

For many the start of a new year gives pause.  We look back at the events of the past with longing and/or relief.  We look ahead at the fresh canvas of days hoped for, events to be lived, and challenges to be embraced.

As I think of transitioning from one year to the next, the image of the “three kings” that visited Jesus gives me pause.  These men journeyed a long way because they were led by conviction, hope, and faith.  They offered gifts to a babe born to peasants, and they “departed by another way.”

I wonder … how were these men changed by this encounter with God, this journey of faith, this meeting with Jesus?  When they “departed by another way” does this signal more than a direction taken back home? 

Today in worship we transition from a study of the promise of a Savior found in Isaiah which was so artfully presented in Word, song, dance, and even painting in Advent, to the reality of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospel of Mark.

We will encounter Jesus fully grown, calling disciples, teaching, preaching, healing, performing miracles and calling all to experience God with freshness.  I hope that as we worship in this New Year each of us opens our hearts and lives to the best that God desires.  For some it will necessitate laying old ideas, fears, doubts, and hurts at the feet of Jesus even as the “three kings” laid gifts of their former lives at Jesus’ feet.  For others encountering God anew will necessitate journeying in new directions as God leads this year … embracing new habits, believing with renewed hope, seeing through eyes of faith, serving God and God’s people in the power of the Spirit.

My prayer is that you will read the Gospel of Mark and other Scripture daily this year and devote time to daily prayer… talking prayer and listening prayer.  My prayer is that God heals your hurts and fills your souls with goodness, mercy, grace and love that overflow like a mighty river and you journey on a step at a time in faith! 

Like the “three kings” God has us on a journey.  The only difference is we don’t worship at a cradle alone … we worship and serve the risen Lord!  Like the “three kings” may we look above to find direction and travel together into a future God eagerly desires for us to embrace!


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