Thursday, January 26, 2017


Tim’s Tidings


Imagine interviewing for a job and your prospective boss calls you into the office.

 “You are very important to this cause,” the boss begins.  “You were created wonderfully, you are gifted abundantly, and you have a purpose and destiny that can only be fulfilled if you take care of yourself and work in harmony with others.”

 By this time some questions might be forming in your mind, even as your heart is warmed.

 “This organization is all about health, wholeness, and hope.  For you to be a fruitful employee, I need you to model these values, to represent them in who you are and what you do.  I need you to take care of yourself and regularly regenerate, spending a day a week in contemplation, prayer, rest, rejoicing.  This is vital to success of our mission and is non-negotiable.”

 You think about this and respond, “And what about performance?’  How will I be evaluated?”

You will be evaluated not just by what you do but by who you are becoming as a human.  You will be evaluated by what you leave aside so that you focus on what is ultimate.  You will succeed to the extent that you are open to a power greater than yourself working in and through you in good times and in tough times—and there will be both!”

 “And what about our clients?,” you ask.

 “Our mission is to seek and save the least, lost, last and lonely.  This is counter-intuitive at first.  We do not discriminate but welcome all.  We are not in business for what we receive, but for what we can give as our organization spreads.  We seek to value all the resources with which we are provided and distribute them as there is need.”

“So what’s the bottom line?” I ask.

 “Care for yourself spiritually and physically.  Be available and open to be used.  Know that you will fail at times, but you will be forgiven as your heart opens to love. Trust me.  For I have plans for you.  Healthy plans not harmful ones, hopeful plans that open to a bright future

After a pause, the boss asks, “Can you do this?  Are you open to following me in this cause?  Are you able to embrace a rhythm of rest, renewal and service?  Do you trust me to equip you in every way?”


Will you take the job?


Pastor Tim


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