Thursday, March 16, 2017


Tim’s Tidings

For the next three Wednesday nights at 5:45 p.m. Eastminster will have Lenten Soup, Salad and Study events.  Last week 57 people attended an excellent meal and enjoyed great fellowship.  Participants had a great time, and I expect many more will enjoy these times together.  Personally, I enjoyed meeting people around the table, singing some of the great hymns of the church, and studying the Gospel of Luke together.  I enjoy teaching too!  I also was gratified that we got out before sunset, as this event is timed for those who need to get home before dark to be able to do so.  The bonus is that those who linger may enjoy a beautiful sunset over the river!  Hope to see you on one or more of these Wednesdays!


Last Wednesday, we looked at what many consider Jesus’ mission statement.  In Luke 19:10 he says, “I came to seek and save the lost.”  Today’s scripture gives a glimpse of what that mission looks like as many people go out into the world and gather God’s children (us) to enjoy a banquet together.

Eastminster’s Mission Statement is:

Eastminster joyously ministers

as a vital, growing congregation

of passionate followers of Jesus

extending our reach as a missional church

to transform our greater community.


One of the ways we will “extend our reach as a missional church” is a new initiative called Compassion in Action (CIA).  Being a “missional church” involves praying for God to show us where God’s heart breaks for others and joining God there in service.  Many do this naturally as we live with “hearts open to others.”  Compassion in Action (CIA) offers us ways to do that together.  Compassion in Action is volunteers sharing their gifts of time and talent to serve God in teams to meet needs in our community.  People of similar interests will gather to reach out to senior adults, kids, poor, and others who have need in groups of 5-8.


Today an Interest and Talent Survey for our larger church will be distributed.  The Interest and Talent Survey will help members and friends find places of meaningful involvement in ways that bring you life and energy and that glorify God.  If you are interested in learning more about Compassion in Action (CIA), I urge you to check that box on the Time and Talent Survey.  Of course, there are scores of other ways to serve in a church Eastminster’s size.  One or more are right for you and for me.  The Bible says that we are the body of Christ, that there are a variety of gifts given to us, a variety of ways to serve, and that we all serve the same Lord in ways that bring life to the body and light to the world.  May we fulfill our mission well in the name of Jesus!

Pastor Tim

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