Thursday, December 19, 2019


Tim’s Tidings

One of the greatest gifts of Christmas is to experience the peace and presence of God. We all need that!

When the angels appear to announce Jesus’ birth, the first response is fear, for God is awesome and God’s glory is great.  Yet the message which comes is about “good tidings of great joy.”  The message is about God entering a troubled world and troubled lives and calming the waters of our souls.  The message is about salvation.

As you hear and read Scripture and reflect upon your lives this Christmas, it is my hope that you experience the glory, the hope, the wonder, the majesty, the mystery and the brilliance of Christmas.  I hope you glimpse inside of an all too real squalid stable and know that if God’s hope, peace, love, joy and salvation can enter such a place, it can definitely enter our hearts, lives and world today.

As we worship in word and song, may that peace enter in.  That peace of knowing that God has the world in God’s hands, that the loose ends will be tied up, that even in the turbulence of our times, “joy comes in the morning” and in the end, love wins.

One of the greatest gifts we have from God are each other.  I am truly grateful to God for you, and grateful for the way Eastminster ministers to one another and to the wider world.  Eastminster’s pastors, elders, and care teams are here for you in the season and beyond, even as there are countless acts of love and grace passed on by members which knit bonds of love on a daily basis.

If your heart longs for a church home, I’d love to speak with you.  As importantly,  I pray you experience God’s presence, peace and assurance as we worship, live and serve. Our praise teams and choirs have prepared special music for the season.  Even as David’s harp music calmed the soul of King Saul, it is my hope that our worship brings peace and an abiding presence to yours today, on Christmas Eve, and in the days ahead.  Many persons have prepared for worship and lead us in worship.  Thank you!  May God’s love shine through what you do, shape who you are, and inspire all to be the people God intends us to be at worship, work and play.

Merry Christmas,
Pastor Tim

Friday, December 13, 2019


Tim's Tidings
My heart is joyous as I walk down the hall of our Christian Ministry Center and see all the toys donated for the Salvation Army Angel Tree, as I smell the goodness of lunches served after an excellent Music and Meditation service, as I interact with special needs youth in a newly formed program, “Unique People of Purpose” learning to practice culinary arts under the direction of our members, as I hear the laughter of preschool kids down the hall and laughter at the other end as friends greet coming into the Ministry Center.  There is vitality and health in Eastminster, and I can’t help but believe the Lord has anointed us shine God’s love in dark times every single day.


The other day I was kayaking in a dense fog.  The fog blanketed me and I could only go forward by looking at the pattern of wind-blown waves on the water and listen carefully for sounds coming from shores I could not see.  I was in the middle of the lagoon and there was no land in sight.  It made me think of how many navigate life today.  It’s hard to maintain direction—not just on the kayak, but for all of us in life.


It made me remember a story told of a famous pastor who was traveling by boat from France to England on a foggy night.  The pastor was up on the bridge with the captain.  He remarked, “It is amazing how you get your ship home safely in the fog through the rocks of the channel.”  The captain pointed through the fog to a dim light.  He said, “Do you see that light?”  That’s actually four lights and when they line up as one, I know I am heading safely.”  The pastor thought, “That’s how it is with navigating life in God’s will.  It’s a lining up of the lights. When we listen and hear the voice of God, when we read God’s Word, when we get the counsel of Christian friends and when circumstances of life line up together, we can be reasonably sure we are in God’s will.”


I hope you use the days ahead to “line up your lights.”  Worship will be very rich in the coming weeks.  I particularly invite you to bring friends to the Sunday December 22 “Glory of Christmas” concert where orchestra, choir and singers of all ages will bring home the reality of God’s love in sending God’s only Son Jesus.  This is a message which will be expanded upon Christmas Eve at 4, 6 and 8 p.m.  Again, bringing friends and family will only make the experience richer.  Read the Bible versions of Christmas found in Matthew chapters 1-2, Luke 1-2, and John 1.  Reach out to others with the love of God as God leads, and chances are the lights will “line up.”


Blessings in the Holy Season!  I look forward to experiencing the love of God together and continuing to live our purpose in the church and world as we head into 2020.  Thanks be to God for your faithfulness, generosity, and love without which the vitality at Eastminster and God’s light in the world would not be present in mission and ministry to the extent it is today!


With Love at Christmas,
Pastor Tim

Friday, December 6, 2019


Tim’s Tidings

One of the hardest things to do in today’s world is to listen. There is so much noise from a multitude of sources.  TVs, stereos, cellphones, traffic, construction, well-meaning people wanting to tell us what to do … and ill meaning people wanting to take advantage …. And perhaps in the midst of the noise, comes … the voice of God. As we read through the Bible and encounter The Bible in 52 stories in worship, we experience that:

God is.

God speaks.

Humans can understand.

God has a will and purpose for us in community.


It is true that sometimes the voice of God is hard to hear.  It is also true that God has ways to get our attention.  Most of us know that first-hand.


Samuel encountered the voice of God as a young child.  In his story God called to him in the quiet of the night.  Fortunately for Samuel, Eli, a trusted mentor and spiritual guide was there to help him not only listen for and hear the voice of God, but also to respond.  Zachariah heard the voice of God in old age.  He was struck mute for nine months which probably increased his listening skills tremendously, only to respond to God in obedience in the naming of his child John.  Joseph was probably middle age or younger when he heard the voice of God in dreams.  Joseph quietly obeys God to the extent no words of Joseph are recorded in scripture.  Only actions.


Learning to listen, to hear, to share and to respond are all important parts of spiritual formation.  We need God and one another to hear and respond.  My prayer this Advent Season is that you take time to listen, that God speaks in ways you understand, and your response is living in the light of God’s will in community with the very love and compassion of Christ.


Where might you start?  When I have asked groups of people to pray for direction in silence and then speak a “Word from the Lord” if heard, many heard the Scripture from Psalm 46:1: “Be still and know that I am God.”


“Be still and know that I am God.”  This is an invitation to experience God.  Today in worship and through the Advent Season at home, in the world, as well as at church, I invite you to a journey of “Holy Listening.”  One good way to begin is to get in a quiet place and reflect on this Scripture adding a word or two at a time as you slowly read or speak them, pausing between the phrases, listening, and hopefully hearing:







May we all listen, hear, share what is heard, and with discernment … respond to God faithfully, even as Samuel, Zachariah and Joseph did before us.


Blessings for a Holy Advent,
Pastor Tim

Friday, October 18, 2019


Tim's Tidings

This weekend we thank the many, many persons who are using their time and talents to share the ministry of God’s love with the congregation and community at and through Eastminster Presbyterian Church.  It is amazing to realize the thousands upon thousands of hours devoted to worship, education, mission, fellowship, community outreach, administration, care of others, our facilities and our environment, much less the many special projects which go on at Eastminster.  You really are a light to the community and bring glory to God!

One of the things I tell my colleagues is that Eastminster is a “leader rich” church.  Eastminster’s elders provide quality and consistency of leadership that enables the church to effect steady growth in excellence and numbers.  What I realize as I reflect upon the hundreds of capable and energized persons engaged in volunteer Christian ministry is that leaders lead well because we are a church rich in followers of Jesus.  Together, we are moving closer to God as we love God and others in worship, word and deed.  What greater thing can be said!

May the coming days be ripe with renewal as we are filled by the Holy Spirit and love Christ and others in worship word and deed.  I look forward to the week ahead as we share our love with the community by supporting the Indialantic Chamber Singers Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m., host a community “Trunk or Treat” this Friday October 25 at 5:30 and invite friends to the “Kirkin o’ the Tartans” next Sunday October 27 at 10 a.m.

The ministry and mission of Eastminster would not be possible without the dedicated service of many.  Praise God for excellent leaders and the many members and friends of this church who serve so faithfully and give so generously of time and talent as well as treasure.           

God Richly Provides!

Pastor Tim
Front Row Left to Right: Pastor Tim, Grant Dearborn, Barbara Ray, Mary Larson, Pastor Kristy. Back Row Left to Right: Claire Gibbs, Scott Messel, Todd Uebele, Rick Schuette, Sara Van Driel, Jim Earp, Brooke Wheeler, Jim Morris and Nancy Fowler. Sunny Rudloff not pictured.





Friday, October 11, 2019


Tim’s Tidings

Today we welcome to worship Dr. Dan Turk, missionary co-worker in Madagascar.  Dan and his wife Elizabeth graciously opened their home to Julie and me on our sabbatical last year and opened our eyes to the tremendous richness of faith and physical needs of the people of drought-stricken Madagascar.


Dan will be sharing in both services and will be available after Saturday’s service to speak with youth and young adults and Sunday’s service to speak with adults further about ministry in Madagascar.  You have enriched this work through Eastminster’s “Mission Match” program as we were able to contribute to the following projects:

1. Mandritsara Seminary Water and Fruit Tree Extension Project
2. Mahatsinjo Fruit Tree Center
3. Water for Ankany Gazela Girls' Boarding Home


Praise God!


Today we begin looking ahead at what God would have us do as we give to God through Eastminster in 2020.  This year’s Stewardship theme is “God Richly Provides.”  It is based on I Timothy 6:17-19.


As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.


Each week members have volunteered to speak of God’s provision for them and how Eastminster has been a part of their growth as generous followers of Jesus.  On November 9-10, following a vigil of prayer, members and friends will consecrate good faith “Estimates of Giving” for 2020 which enable our leaders to plan for future ministry and mission.  On November 10 following worship we have a “Celebration Luncheon” where persons who attend both worship services gather to enjoy a great meal, welcome new members who joined in 2019, honor longstanding members and give God thanks for all the blessings we receive.  Please mark your calendars for the Celebration Luncheon.  It is one of the unifying events Eastminster holds and it is important to give God thanks and praise together.


Look forward to next week’s Volunteer Ministry recognition and the inclusion of children in worship, followed by the Kirkin o’ the Tartans and then All Saints weekend.  It’s wonderful to please God together through the power of Christ’s Spirit!



Pastor Tim

Friday, September 13, 2019


Tim’s Tidings

My hope is that each of you invites friends to Back to Church Weekend this Saturday and Sunday at Eastminster.  There will be wonderful services of worship on Saturday night at 6 p.m. and Sunday morning at 10 a.m. followed by an old-fashioned Sunday Dinner of Fried Chicken and all the fixings topped off with Apple Pie Cupcakes.  There will be a magician present as well to entertain persons of all ages.  A wonderful banquet is being prepared.  Please plan to stay and enjoy the work of many wonderful cooks and servers.

Every week more and more people are worshipping at Eastminster.  God has placed a Spirit of welcome upon our community that is healing, encouraging and warm.  There is growth from learning God’s word and following God’s will, laughter that brings healing, a people and a purpose for all.  If this is your first time here, welcome.  May these words about Eastminster be true in your experience as well!  I encourage all to think of those you know who need such an environment and pray about inviting them to church in the weeks ahead.  This Sunday, we give a special welcome to families from the Eastminster Presbyterian Preschool!

This weekend packets for reading “The Bible in a Year” will be passed out.  Next week your pastors will begin a sermon series “The Bible in 52 Stories” where we will hit some high points of Scripture along the way to reading the Bible through. The Scriptures are divided out where there is reading from the New and Old Testaments every day, so it never gets boring.  Your pastors look forward to this adventure in Christian learning, growth and living with you! 

In your bulletin there is an announcement page which lists some of the many activities for enrichment at Eastminster.  All are welcome.  May I point out that there is a wonderful Bible Study Wednesdays at noon in the church Library which is just starting.  This is great for those who are retired or who work nearby and can take a break during the lunch hour.  For senior adults there is The Shepherd’s Center where 400 persons meet in a variety of courses every Thursday beginning September 26.  You may register for that today.  Finally note the opportunities for children and youth, support and recovery, music and worship.  There is more going on that can be mentioned, but there are persons with welcome badges available all weekend to answer any questions you have.

We are truly blessed!  With that blessing comes a promise and commitment.  In closing, I want to introduce a Scripture which is speaking to me at present from I Timothy 6:17-19.  You will hear more about this Scripture in the coming days:

 As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.

Pastor Tim

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Tim's Tidings

This weekend is a time of thanksgiving for those who God raises up as elders in our church. A Presbyterian church is, by definition, a church which is ruled by “elders.”  Elders are those who the congregation nominates and elects to be the spiritual leaders of our affairs from setting vision and direction, to encouraging the members, worshippers and staff in their spiritual growth, to maintaining the finances, programs, property and policies of the church.  It is a huge responsibility which cannot be undertaken without energy, intelligence, imagination and love all tempered by spiritual discernment and teamwork.  The body on which the elders serve is called the “Session.”  Elders serve three-year rotating terms on the Session.


I say with all sincerity that the renewal Eastminster has and is experiencing is a direct result of the call to service and the competencies of your elders.  Elders who rotate off Session at this time include Bryan Becker, Ed Bowers, Melissa Ketterman, and Bill McCaslin.  We thank them for their service!


Bryan Becker served as the chair of our Missions Committee.  During his tenure our Missions giving has increased in both dollars given and time invested on the part of our congregation in mission beyond the local church. He also oversaw the recent “Mission Match” where our congregation raised $25,000 for relief to Madagascar and $25,000 for local mission relief over and above our budgeted giving. He has chaired a great committee on which he will continue to serve.


Ed Bowers served as the chair of the Nominating Committee and co-chair of Personnel and Administration.  Ed coordinated the congregation’s nomination of excellent leaders to guide our church, he ensured staff stability and excellence through the recruitment and care of staff members, and he helped shape and administer policies which give our church direction yet ability to be flexible to address the opportunities and challenges of ministry during this time.


Melissa Ketterman served as Clerk of Session, a role which coordinates the affairs of the church from setting the agenda for the board meetings, to keeping track of membership, baptismal and other rolls, to writing minutes of all proceedings, to making sure we do things “decently and in order.”  This is a huge role in which she served with excellence, thus maximizing the effectiveness of all our elders.  Melissa also serves on the Pastoral Relations Team, a team which provides me with invaluable wisdom and guidance.


Bill McCaslin served as chair of the Outreach Committee.  Bill first suggested the church form an Outreach Committee five years ago.  The Outreach Committee has led efforts to include the community in the life of the church, to welcome all persons genuinely, to practice hospitality, and to grow the church.  Their efforts are bearing fruit as Eastminster is recognized as a church of excellence in these areas, and Eastminster realized the highest net membership growth of the 60+ churches of our presbytery last year.


This Sunday we ordain and install elders for service in the class of 2022 and welcome a new Clerk of Session.  Elders being ordained and/or installed include Nancy Fowler, Richard Schuette, Todd Uebele, and Brooke Wheeler. Claire Gibbs will serve as our Clerk of Session.  In the process, we have broadened our committee roles, adding committees which relate specifically to Adult Education and Spiritual Formation and Youth and Young Adult Ministry.  These committees will lead us to grow deeper in faith and ability to reach new generations for Jesus.  See the back of your worship guide for the roles of this year’s Session and the contact information for your elders.  Thank you, God, for those you call to serve as elders!
Pastor Tim


Thursday, August 15, 2019


Tim’s Tidings


Jesus has a special call to whom some describe as the “least, lost, lonely and last.”  I believe Jesus’ parables we are considering this summer bear that out.


As you remember from last week’s Scripture, Jesus says in effect: “Don’t mess with the kids (least) and don’t mess with those who are newer believers.”  He says: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” (Matthew 18:3-5)


The “littlest” have room to grow.  “Humble yourselves and receive the kingdom like one of these, be welcoming and hospitable to all” is the message.  Jesus goes on to say:


Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones; for, I tell you, in heaven their angels continually see the face of my Father in heaven. 12 What do you think? If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? 13 And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. 14 So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost. (Matthew 18:10-14).


Are you feeling least, lost, lonely, last or little today?  Know you matter to God.  You matter to God!


God desires to be in relationship with us all.  God desires our worship and service.  God desires to forgive, love, heal and send us in ministry in every facet of life.  God desires that we who once were lost are now found.


Our purpose is to be found, filled and then fulfilled in community as we worship and serve God in Spirit and truth.  If you have been searching for God, keep it up.  Know that God is a God who wants to be found, and even searches and finds you and me.  That’s a great feeling, to know that angels watch over us night and day.  To know that God loves each of us “sheep” as if there were only one of us.  That we need never feel abandoned or afraid, but humble ourselves and be open to the God of love who cares for the least, last, lost, lonely and little.  God cares and all heaven rejoices when the lost are found!  Even you and me!


Pastor Tim

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Summer is in full swing and Eastminster is ministering in may ways.  The July 4 "Salute to America" involved over 550 people for the concert, including 60 singers and the Melbourne Municipal Band.  Eastminster engaged in hospitality with many more members of the community, providing restrooms, water and serving 900 ice cream cones!  Our alternative viewing space in the fellowship hall accommodated over 100 people with excellent sound and video quality.  Way to go techies!

Thanks to Teresa Fleenor for overseeing the music and helping to coordinate the big picture, which involved scores of persons in providing security, hospitality, children's activities, food, and facilities readiness. I continue to receive kind words and notes about the event.

Please pray for our children and youth as summer is a key time for spiritual growth.  Our senior highs are at Montreat as I write and the middle schoolers just returned from Massanetta.  Over 50 children are in summer camp at Eastminster each week as directed by Eleni Yiapis.  Camps and conferences are a big part of the growth of children and youth.  Your generosity is enabling God to touch and be a part of their lives!

It is exciting to be part of Eastminster as it impacts people of all ages as we practice love of God and one another.  May you too experience renewal this summer!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Tim’s Tidings


In the rhythm of life at Eastminster July is “opportunity time.”  It is a time in which we seek to use the slowed down pace to develop ourselves spiritually and to get to projects that have been “left on the shelf” during the year.


What is it that you have always wondered about, dreamed about, said you were going to do?  Perhaps this is the month for you!  Who have you said, “I’d love to have coffee/a meal with her/him/them?” Maybe now is the time to get together.


July is also a good time to reflect.  Who are those persons in your life you would like to thank for influencing you, helping you in a time of need, inspiring you?  Maybe send a note or email, give a call, visit.  Expressing gratitude is healthy for the giver as well as the receiver and opens new doors to the soul.


What book (including the Bible) have you meant to pick up and read?  July might be the month to do it … or at least start.


When you have a moment of reflection, allow time to listen for God’s voice.  Jesus begins and ends the Parable of the Sower (Mark 20:1-20) with the word “listen.”  Being quiet and open can produce great direction and praying, as well as meditating, lifts up the needs of others even as it opens one to receive abundant blessings from God. 


Some people structure their prayer through the acronym, “ACTS.”  They take time in Adoration of God and God’s work, Confession of personal shortcomings of self and society, Thanksgiving for God’s goodness and gratitude for the blessings God brings, and Supplication, which is asking for the needs of self and others.


Another way to pray is through reading scripture such as the Parable of the Sheep and Goats found in Matthew 25:31-46.  Here we see Jesus’ concern for the hungry and thirsty, the stranger, those that need life’s basics such as good clothes and homes, those who are sick and those who are imprisoned.  As we read Scripture and see who are close to the heart of God, it’s good to pray for those people, circumstances and things, and act as able, so that “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”


In this time of opportunity, I want to say thanks for the Eastminster family!  Your love, care, example, outreach, and the way you use your gifts of time, talent and treasure are inspiring.  The 4th of July Concert was a great gift to the community.  This weekend you send youth to camp even as others come back.  We also baptize a youth by profession of faith, run a busy summer Christian preschool program, host interfaith dinners, and read Scripture, worship and pray together.  None of this could happen if God did not put us together.  So, enjoy July, take time to see and do things a bit differently, but do not neglect the habit of worshipping the God in Jesus who makes all things possible!


See you in Church,
Pastor Tim

Thursday, June 27, 2019


June was a great month in a great first half of the year at Eastminster. The day of Pentecost, where we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, was accompanied by beauty in art, music, and song.  The effects of Pentecost in the early church were growth of members, adherence to teaching, regular worship and meeting in homes and prayer.   All these things are happening at Eastminster.  For instance…


Worship attendance is increasing in both services at a rate of 10-15% year over year and new members are making faith commitments to God through Eastminster.  See inside for pictures and bios of some of our new members.  Also note that Vacation Bible School was wonderful as many kids came closer to the Lord.  Thanks for teachers and aids who made such a huge impact upon the kids in our community!  Fellowship events such as the Outreach Dessert at the McCall’s, the Trivia Potluck Night at the Church and the Primetimes luncheon and numerous Bible Studies and prayer groups are being held around our community.  Works of service are done in Jesus name, many of them very quietly and humbly.  We also finished off the month by electing new elders to guide our church and hearing a report on church finances at a Congregational Meeting.  Welcome Nancy Fowler, Rick Schuette, Todd Uebele, and Brooke Wheeler!  The bottom line:  Your efforts are making a difference through transforming lives as the Holy Spirit works in our midst!


More great news as we head into July is that pastor Kristy has been cleared to return to ministry part-time!  Pray for her as she makes this key transition and as she increases in health and strength even as she attends to her growing family. Give thanks for a great staff who flexed with different demands to maintain excellence. Staff pictures and bios are included in this month’s newsletter.


As we go into July, I encourage you to take time for prayer and reflection, worship and study of scripture.  In the rhythm of life at Eastminster, July is a time to “double down” on spiritual disciples.  We do this by “creating margin” in other areas of life.  For instance, regularly scheduled ministry team meetings will be cancelled in July and committees will meet only as needed.  Short term Koinonia groups are beginning to help others who can’t commit to yearlong study to have a special time of growth in the summer.  Our youth will retreat to Montreat, a Presbyterian camp in North Carolina, which has proven to be “holy ground.”  There are guides to reading the Bible in 90 days for those who want to use this time to get broad sweep of God’s love and saving activity.  See the website and bulletins for more details.


Thanks for your generosity of time, talent and treasure without which the ministry of Eastminster would not happen.  You are a light to the world!  I look forward to growing with you in worship this summer as we encounter Jesus’ teachings and celebrating our freedom to worship and serve in a free country at the July 4th Musical Celebration.  Well done Eastminster.  Pray for God’s continued provision and guidance as we head into the second half of 2019.

See You in Church,
Pastor Tim

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Tim's Tidings

Do you know how to spell Presbyterian much less say it? 

Eastminster is a church belonging to the Presbyterian Church (USA).  This is a denomination which traces its origins back to the time of the founding of this country.  In fact, the founding of the United States was influenced by Presbyterians, and much of our form of government in America derived from Presbyterian practice.


The word Presbyterian literally means “ruled by elders.”  Elders are elected leaders who serve to oversee the spiritual and temporal mission and ministry of the church.   At Eastminster, elders serve three-year terms which are staggered into three classes.  This Sunday at 11 a.m. Eastminster members will elect to the class of 2022. 


In the Presbyterian denomination, elders are elected by the people through a process of nomination and vote.  Eastminster has a Nominating Committee, headed by elder Ed Bowers, which is placing four persons before Eastminster as elder nominees.  Elder nominees include Nancy Fowler, Rick Scheutte, Todd Uebele, and Brooke Wheeler.  Their biographies are included in your worship guide.


At 11:00 Sunday, I will call the meeting to order Clerk of Session Melissa Ketterman will declare aquorum and elder Bowers will bring a motion to elect these nominees.  After a second, nominees may be suggested from the floor by any member, provided they have received the consent of the nominee to serve if elected.  After nominations are closed, a vote will be taken, electing new elders to serve on the Eastminster board, which is called the “Session.”


Confused?  Interested in learning more?  If you are not a member, please stay and watch the Congregational Meeting.  It will show you Eastminster Presbyterian Church in action and enable you to appreciate the excellent management of “time, talent and treasure” exercised here. 


You may also learn more about Presbyterianism and Eastminster in a “First Impressions Gathering” where members and guests alike learn more about the mission and ministry of Eastminster.  They are held about 6 times per year.  Finally, this October will be heritage month.  We will start with a Missions Expo the weekend of October 5-6.  The following three weeks will feature gatherings on the Protestant Reformation, the formation of Presbyterianism, and the mission and ministry of Eastminster today.  A highlight will be the traditional “Kirkin’ of the Tartans” service on October 27.


Eastminster has much to be proud of in its heritage and its current ministry and mission.  A strength of Eastminster, perhaps the key source of its renewal, is the outstanding leadership of our members.  Thanks to our current Session, which are listed on the back of your worship guide, as well as those who faithfully have served and will serve in the years to come.  May we rightly discern the call of God into the future and be guided by wise, spiritually discerning leaders as we journey forward in faith and service.


Pastor Tim