Friday, December 13, 2019


Tim's Tidings
My heart is joyous as I walk down the hall of our Christian Ministry Center and see all the toys donated for the Salvation Army Angel Tree, as I smell the goodness of lunches served after an excellent Music and Meditation service, as I interact with special needs youth in a newly formed program, “Unique People of Purpose” learning to practice culinary arts under the direction of our members, as I hear the laughter of preschool kids down the hall and laughter at the other end as friends greet coming into the Ministry Center.  There is vitality and health in Eastminster, and I can’t help but believe the Lord has anointed us shine God’s love in dark times every single day.


The other day I was kayaking in a dense fog.  The fog blanketed me and I could only go forward by looking at the pattern of wind-blown waves on the water and listen carefully for sounds coming from shores I could not see.  I was in the middle of the lagoon and there was no land in sight.  It made me think of how many navigate life today.  It’s hard to maintain direction—not just on the kayak, but for all of us in life.


It made me remember a story told of a famous pastor who was traveling by boat from France to England on a foggy night.  The pastor was up on the bridge with the captain.  He remarked, “It is amazing how you get your ship home safely in the fog through the rocks of the channel.”  The captain pointed through the fog to a dim light.  He said, “Do you see that light?”  That’s actually four lights and when they line up as one, I know I am heading safely.”  The pastor thought, “That’s how it is with navigating life in God’s will.  It’s a lining up of the lights. When we listen and hear the voice of God, when we read God’s Word, when we get the counsel of Christian friends and when circumstances of life line up together, we can be reasonably sure we are in God’s will.”


I hope you use the days ahead to “line up your lights.”  Worship will be very rich in the coming weeks.  I particularly invite you to bring friends to the Sunday December 22 “Glory of Christmas” concert where orchestra, choir and singers of all ages will bring home the reality of God’s love in sending God’s only Son Jesus.  This is a message which will be expanded upon Christmas Eve at 4, 6 and 8 p.m.  Again, bringing friends and family will only make the experience richer.  Read the Bible versions of Christmas found in Matthew chapters 1-2, Luke 1-2, and John 1.  Reach out to others with the love of God as God leads, and chances are the lights will “line up.”


Blessings in the Holy Season!  I look forward to experiencing the love of God together and continuing to live our purpose in the church and world as we head into 2020.  Thanks be to God for your faithfulness, generosity, and love without which the vitality at Eastminster and God’s light in the world would not be present in mission and ministry to the extent it is today!


With Love at Christmas,
Pastor Tim

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